BNU Admission 2024 Last Date, Admission Form and Fee Structure

Beaconhouse National University (BNU) Lahore offered Admissions 2024 in various disciplines for BBA, MBA, BCS, BSc, Computer Science, Architecture, MA, MSc, MS, MPhil, and Ph.D. in relevant subjects. All these degree programs are offered in different disciplines like engineering, visual arts and design, architecture, psychology, economics, journalism, and media studies. BNU Lahore is a liberal arts university known for its distinct degree programs most of which are not being offered anywhere in Pakistan. It was established in 2003 and recognized by HEC for quality education standards.

BNU Admission advertisement will let you know about the recently offered degree programs in the Fall session, BNU admission last date, fee structure 2024, admission procedure, and eligibility criteria. Beaconhouse National University Lahore is merit-based and those candidates who fulfill the requirements are offered an admission letter. To facilitate you, we have the BNU online admission portal, admission form download, admission test, merit list display, undergraduate as well as master program details, Fall, and fall admissions 2024, scholarships, and job opening details at Beaconhouse National University Lahore.

BNU Admission 2024

BNU Lahore Admissions 2024 Details [GUIDE]

If you are looking to get Beaconhouse National University admissions, then it is good that BNU admission 2024 has been announced for both spring and fall sessions. They have introduced a variety of degree programs most of which are unique and are not being studied in any other universities all around Pakistan. Degree programs such as BA(Hons), BSc(Hons), BBA(Hons), B.Architecture, MA, MSc, MS, MPhil, and Ph.D. in different subjects of visual arts & Design, architecture, psychology, economics, journalism, and media studies are being offered.

If you are interested in getting admission at BNU then we have described the complete procedure below to download the admission form, degree programs for both spring and fall semesters, fee structure and eligibility criteria, BNU entry test for admission, complete address of the main and city campus and other details about Beaconhouse National University Lahore.

BNU Admission 2024 Last Date For Applying

The last date to apply for admission in various degree programs in 2024 is mentioned in the BNU admission advertisement 2024 and the admission schedule published in electronic and print media.

BNU admission 2024 last date to apply Online
BNU Online Admission last date05 July 2024


BNU Lahore Admission Advertisement 2024

Beaconhouse National University (BNU) Lahore has started a public awareness campaign about the announcement of Fall admissions in 2024 for various programs through press releases and print media. The last date of admission should be kept in mind so that the applicant must submit the required documents before the closing date.

Check complete admission guidelines here.

[box type=”note”]Don’t forget to check Comsats Lahore Admission and UMT Admission Details to submit your admission form.[/box]

BNU Lahore Fee Structure 2024

BNU gives fee concessions for its old students as compared to new ones. The fee structure for new students is different than that of old students. Students have to pay the fee before the last date, otherwise the late fee fine will be liable to be paid. BNU Fee structure 2024 includes admission fees, tuition fees per credit hour, and other funds. The fee structure of degree programs at BNU is presented below:

 Degree ProgramsFee structure
BA(Hons)Rs. 164,500/- fee 1st  semester
BSc(Hons)Rs. 164,500/- fee 1st  semester
BBA (Hons)Rs. 165,500/- fee 1st  semester
MARs. 164,625/- fee 1st  semester
MScRs. 164,625/- fee 1st  semester
MS, MphilRs. 65,500/- fee 1st  semester
PhDRs. 65,500/- fee 1st  semester

The above-mentioned fee package does not include hostel charges. If a student wants to avail of the facility of a Hostel, then the Hostel Charges Rs. 118,600/- has to be paid separately for hostel accommodation. Click Here to view the detailed fee structure of all degree programs at BNU. You can also find a complete guide for LUMS Admission including fee structure as well as admission last date.

BNU Admission Procedure How to Apply

Follow the steps given below to apply online for admission at BNU.

[unordered_list style=”tick”]
  • Click Here to Apply online for admission at BNU.
  • Read the instructions carefully and fill out the admission form online.
  • Provide the correct information and no fields are left blank
  • Fill out the form carefully because after submitting it, you cannot update the information provided.
  • After submitting the admission form online, take a print of the admission form.
  • Print the processing fee voucher which is Rs. 3500/- and deposit it into any branch of UBL or Askari Bank before the due date.
  • The following documents should be posted to Registrar Beaconhouse National University main campus Lahore or submitted by hand.
  • Printed admission form
  • attested photocopies of all academic certificates
  • four passport-size color photographs with a white background
  • All these documents should reach BNU before the last date to submit the admission form.

BNU Admission Criteria & Requirements:
Eligibility criteria and requirements to obtain admission at Beaconhouse National University Lahore (BNU) is mentioned in the admission advertisement. To get admission in undergraduate degree programs candidate must secure 2nd division in FA/FSc or equivalent degree. For admission into MA/MSc, students must pass a bachelor’s degree or 14-year education with 2nd division.

For enrollment into postgraduate programs MS(MPhil), the candidate must qualify 16-year education with a CGPA of not less than 2.5. The GAT Test is compulsory to qualify. For admission into the doctorate-level program, a candidate must have an 18-year education from a recognized institution with a GAT/GRE test passed. The candidate must pass the university’s departmental entry test to enroll in the Ph.D. program.

BNU Online Admission Form 2024 Download:

You must apply online for admission at Beaconhouse National University. For the online admission form, the applicant must have an email address. Click Here to apply online for admission at Beaconhouse National University.
Follow the instructions given in the online system to fill out the online admission form and submit it for further processing.

Undergraduate, Graduate, and Ph.D. Programs Admissions 2024:
BNU has announced the following degree programs for admissions.

Undergraduate Programs:

  • BFA Visual Arts
  • B.Des (textile and fiber studies)
  • Bachelor of Architecture
  • BBA (Hons)
  • BSc (Hons) Economics
  • BA(Hons) liberal studies
  • BSc(Hons) Software Engineering

Masters and Post Graduate Programs:

  • MA in Art & Design
  • MA Art Education
  • Master of Architecture
  • MA Mass Communication
  • MSc School and Educational Psychology
  • MS Film and TV
  • Mphil Applied Psychology
  • Mphil Education
  • Mphil Linguistics
  • MS Film and TV
  • Mphil Applied Psychology
  • MS Business Information & Technology

BNU Lahore PhD Programs:
Currently, PhD applied to psychology is being offered at BNU.

Beaconhouse National University Lahore Entry Test 2024:
BNU entry test is mandatory to get admission into any degree program. The weightage of the entry test held by the various departments of the University and interviews is 25% of the merit prepared by the admission department. GRE general and the subject test are mandatory to obtain admission to the MS (MPhil) degree program at BNU.

For doctorate level programs (Ph.D.), the GAT/GRE test is required to be qualified by the student along with the comprehension subject test conducted by the institute.

Beaconhouse National University Lahore Merit List 2024:
BNU Lahore displays the merit list of successful candidates after aggregating scores obtained in various academic certificates and degrees which are mentioned in the eligibility criteria of a specific program.

For enrollment into undergraduate degree program weight-age of matriculation or equivalent certificate is 30% and weight-age of intermediate certificate or equivalent certificate is 45% and remaining 25% weight is given to entry test and interviews conducted by the various departments at BNU Lahore.

BNU Lahore Scholarships 2024:
Various types of scholarships are approved by the Board of Directors of BNU to facilitate the students who are performing very well in their studies and also the students who are talented but cannot bear the study expenses. Newly enrolled students having an 80% score or above are entitled to avail of the merit-based scholarship of BNU which consists of a 25% waive-off in the fee.

If a student continues to perform well in the next semesters while maintaining a CGPA of 3.5, then concession will continue. Need-based scholarships are awarded through a detailed scrutiny process to ensure that the students really cannot afford the fee and deserve the scholarship. More details about the BNU Scholarships can be viewed by clicking Here.

BNU Lahore Address Contact Information:
BNU Location: Beaconhouse National University, Tarogil Campus 13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg – Raiwind Road, Tarogil, Lahore
Official website:
Email address:
Contact Number: 042-38100156 (Ext. 777, 488, 493)


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